盐田梓是香港西贡近300年历史的小岛,亦是是香港天主教的发源地之一。 1841年有传教士开始传教,至1875年所有村民都成为了天主教徒。 1879年,圣福若瑟神父来到盐田梓村传教,村民慷慨捐出土地供神父居住和建造圣堂。岛上的圣约瑟小堂于2011年被列为香港二级历史建筑, 亦充满浓厚的宗教和传统的客家文化。
快点下载Storius App,聆听由Yim Tin Tsai Storytelling鹽田.「故」仔带领的「宗教信仰之影响:传教士与鹽田梓居民」和「寻找快乐之源:与鹽田梓村民的假日返乡之旅」吧!

Hong Kong’s Five Ancient Temples: Discovering Prehistoric Religion and Their Rich Cultural Heritage
admin All Articles (Eng), Latest News (Eng), Top Attractions to Visit (Eng), Uncategorized HK, Hongkongtemple, HungShingTemple, LoPanTemple, PakTaiTemple, TinHauTemple
Hong Kong is renowned as an international metropolis that harmoniously blends Eastern and Western cultures. Amidst its colonial history, traces of indigenous culture and beliefs also persist among the people of Hong Kong. Prior to becoming a British colony, the local residents sustained their livelihood through fishing, stone-cutting, and agriculture. They also sought solace in […]
Divination Culture and Ancient Traditions: Exploring the Historical and Esoteric Secrets of Wong Tai Sin Temple
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Wong Tai Sin Temple is a renowned local temple in Hong Kong and is classified as a Grade 1 historic building. It is dedicated to Wong Tai Sin, a famous Taoist deity from Southern China during the Eastern Jin dynasty. The temple also incorporates deities from Confucianism and Buddhism, such as Confucius and Guanyin, showcasing […]